Dunstable Laminates are so pleased to be sponsoring Adam Rix and Chris Lane in this years 2018 London Marathon.  Adam and Chris are running on behalf of Mind, the mental health charity. Mental Health is something that few of us are able to talk about and sadly we’re a long way off where we should be in giving support and education on the issue.

Suicide is still the single biggest killer of men under the age of 45. Every year, one in four people will experience a mental health problem. It’s a big deal!

Charities like Mind work to empower everyone suffering, with choices and support.  But like everything these kind of services require funds, money, cash, pounds to keep them going.

Thanks to people like Adam and Chris, not only is money being raised but awareness too.  Dig deep for this current and real issue that effects so many of us – and ironically, this time of year in particular.

Well done Adam and Chris, the very best of luck for the big day you’ll smash it!

Please dig deep an give as much as you can. Click on the logo below to donate.

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